Hosting Control Panel’s Framework Installer
Kick–start your internet enterprise by making use of a PHP framework

Inside the Tactics Group Internet Services Hosting Control Panel, you’ll find an invaluable tool which will allow you to set up a new PHP framework in seconds. The Frameworks Installer tool performs the whole process on your behalf, hence eradicates the need for you to obtain, install and after that set up your framework before you start any project. You’ll be prepared to start your framework based task quickly, with little effort.
Various frameworks readily available
Launch your web project using a framework
When using the PHP Framework Installer integrated into the Tactics Group Internet Services Hosting Control Panel, it is possible to integrate different PHP frameworks, each of them providing a distinct group of capabilities and benefits: CakePHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony, and YII.
Each individual PHP framework is updated to the present stable edition and its installment requires absolutely no setup whatsoever.
1–click PHP framework installation
Your PHP framework is simply mouse click away
The PHP Framework Installer is designed to operate on the same basic principle like our App Installer – through minimal effort from you and the system performing all the hard work on your behalf. PHP frameworks are set up with several clicks with no installation required on your part. All you must do is select the location of your PHP framework. That’s it.
We maintain a log of the mounted PHP frameworks so you can un–install each and every PHP framework which you don’t need with just a click.
1–click data backup
The easiest way to back up a framework
Once your data is online, the simplest way to defend it is undoubtedly by maintaining a backup. You can expect routine data backup for our website hosting accounts. Nonetheless, if you desire to be in complete control, it is possible to back up your frameworks at any time. We have designed an intelligent system that lets you create a backup with just a click of the mouse.
There’s no limit for the amount of backup files you could make or how frequently you can make them. All of the backups are going to be stored in a folder in your own account. Provided you have available space, you may create as many new backups as you need.