In case you decide that you would like to change the company which is hosting your sites, you will have to move all of the content to the servers of the new one, which may not be a simple task if you do not have much experience or you just have no time to do it. If you have an HTML site, it shall not be challenging to move it as the migration is merely re-uploading each of the files to your new account, but if you have a script-driven Internet site and you ought to move a database, then link the site to it, and in addition you wish to migrate mailboxes you have set up for your domain, you could find the whole process annoying. To make things simpler for you if you choose to get a web hosting account from our company, we offer Internet site migration as a complimentary service with all of our Internet hosting packages, helping you save the time, money and efforts which you'll otherwise need to spend to relocate the content yourself.

Assisted Website Migration in Website Hosting

You can benefit from this 100 % free service regardless of the website hosting package deal that you have chosen and you can contact us the instant your new account has been set up. There shall not be an issue for our technical support team to transfer even several sites provided you've chosen a package deal where you can host more than a single domain name. Right after they are done with the migration to our revolutionary cloud web hosting platform, they shall analyze if everything is operating correctly before they inform you that you could change the name servers of your domain as to point it to our servers. We can transfer any Internet site which runs on a LAMP machine and is not produced on a closed platform like Yola or Wix where we simply cannot access the site files to copy them. This includes not only popular platforms like WordPress or Moodle, but also any custom web site. When you employ our migration service, we can set everything up within 24 to 48 hours, so you can begin using our platform without delay.

Assisted Website Migration in Semi-dedicated Servers

You can take advantage of our 100 % free offer with every one of the semi-dedicated servers we offer and we can move one or numerous websites from another hosting company within a couple of days. The time varies according to the size and the actual number of the sites, but it rarely takes over 48 hrs, so you'll be able to begin using our services shortly after your new account has been created. A team of skilled admins shall transfer your content and check it to make sure that once you change the name servers of your domains and they start resolving to our web hosting servers, all of your sites shall work properly and without any issues. It doesn't matter if you have a WordPress blog, an OpenCart online shop, a Joomla portal or a custom-made website - our tech support team can migrate it without any issues. The only Internet sites they can't transfer are ones that can't operate on a Linux web server or that are developed on closed platforms like Yola and Wix where the access to the website files is restricted.

Assisted Website Migration in VPS Servers

When you pick one of our VPS servers, we could begin moving your Internet sites as soon as your account is ready and you get hold of us. The procedure in most cases takes up to two days depending on the number and the size of the sites which you would like to relocate to the VPS and this time includes not only relocating the content, but also testing it later on as to make sure that your info is undamaged and that your Internet sites will perform properly on our end. Our tech support team can relocate any popular script app or custom website provided that it can function using a Linux server and if you're not using a service such as Weebly, Jimdo or Mr. Site since they do not grant access to the files of the sites built on their platforms. Aside from that, our service is available for any hosting Control Panel which you pick on our end or use with the other hosting provider. We will be able to save you the time and the efforts at no additional cost on top of the monthly VPS price and the functioning of your Internet sites shall practically not be disrupted since during the propagation of the new name servers that you set for the domains you want to host on the web server, you will have the same content on both ends.

Assisted Website Migration in Dedicated Servers

You can use our 100 % free service if you'd like a more powerful web hosting plan and you choose to obtain one of our dedicated servers for your Internet sites. A skilled team of system administrators shall start the migration of your information as soon as your web server is set up and you get in touch with them and in the common scenario it doesn't take more than 24 to 48 hours to relocate even multiple sites and make certain that they function efficiently. The time may differ based on how many Internet sites you have and what their size is, but we typically fit in this timeframe. Due to the fact that our web servers run on Linux, the sites which we move should be compatible with this Operating System and shouldn't be designed on platforms which do not offer access to the website files - Wix, Mr. Site, Jimdo, Weebly, etc. Any other site, no matter if it was developed by a web designer or with a platform such as Joomla or WordPress, can be moved in no time and our admin team will let you know the moment they are done. You can change the name servers of your domains after that to direct them to the new dedicated server. There will not be any downtime for any of the Internet sites due to the fact that the content that the domain names will load during the DNS propagation will be identical on both servers.